Sphere of Influence

We often spend minutes or hours of our days bemoaning various aspects . . . the lights kept turning red . . . the waitress got our order wrong . . . your coworkers keep getting on your nerves . . . the list goes on and on.  Focusing on all the negativity surrounding us tends to debilitate or zap our energy.  And it’s hard not to . . . especially if we have a hard time finding positive things in our lives or if we feel the need to control everything.  If only we had the power, then nothing negative would happen.  But we don’t.  And we have to accept that fact.

Bummed out?  Have no fear.  Your life doesn’t have to be all negative all the time.  No, you cannot control the outside forces that affect your day.  You do control yourself.  Your reactions.  Your day-to-day life.  That is where you can control the outcome.  So the waitress got your order wrong?  Don’t let it ruin your day.  Patiently and calmly bring it to her attention.  Or just let it go and move on.  (Unless, of course, you have an allergy or medical reason.  Then definitely bring it up.)

istock_000009580534xsmallYour sphere of influence goes hand in hand with your attitude towards negativity in your life.  “Increasing your sphere of influence will boost the number of people who hear your message.”  This article discusses your personal sphere of influence in relation to business.  But the concept extends beyond that.  Your attitude and perspective on life can influence those around you.  This goes both ways – if you’re negative or if you’re positive.  Blogs and journals have a plethora of methods for you to stop or combat negative thinking.  Ultimately, a positive attitude comes down to your choices.  The more you choose to be positive, the more it will come across in your attitude.  And the people within your sphere of influence will notice.  That waitress who messed up your meal?  Rather than begrudgingly apologizing, maybe she’ll be genuinely sorry for the mistake if you treat her with respect and a positive attitude.  Those coworkers who keep getting on your nerves or filling your life with negative energy?  If you remain positive in your interactions with them, chances are that they’ll notice and maybe even start to look for the positive themselves.

Remember that you can only control yourself – not others.  You can influence those around you by how you control your actions.

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