Keep Calm

“Librarians are almost always very helpful and often almost absurdly knowledgeable.  Their skills are probably very underestimated and largely underemployed.” 
~ Charles Medawar

It always amazes me how often patrons of the library choose to search through the stacks themselves for hours rather than asking a librarian for help.  Of course, here at the law library, students are more likely to ask for help since they know specifically what they need and also that they don’t have hours to search themselves.  Nevertheless, it still amazes me, even here, how often patrons come up, timidly asking for help “if it’s not too much trouble.”  I’m here to tell you that as a librarian-in-training, my number one goal is to help every patron who comes through the doors of the library.  I want to help, and not just because it’s my job.  I enjoy helping people and sharing what knowledge I have with them.  

Every librarian I’ve met or worked with has been one of the sweetest people on the planet.  They are always joyful and ever willing to share their wisdom with you.  I am continually amazed at how much knowledge they accumulate through the years.  There has never been a question that I’ve needed answered that they have not either known the answer to immediately or known where I could find the answer.

We are blessed here at the law library with an amazing staff, especially our Research Librarian.  He is a wealth of knowledge and one of the most joyful and helpful people I’ve ever met.  If you have any question, big or small, legal or not, ask him!  

The bottom line is that your librarian is one of your most valuable resources, and one that you should never underestimate or disregard.  They are here for you, to assist your research and your learning!  While they definitely have other duties as far as running the library and keeping up with all the books, their most important goal, first and foremost, is to assist their patrons in whatever way necessary.  

Author: avelawlibrary

The Law Library is created for the benefit of our users so that they may have access to the legal information needed to protect their rights and to fulfill their obligations.

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