Make Sure Your Time Doesn’t Manage You


Everyone knows how time seems to slip away from us, and yet at the end of the day, we often look back and wonder just what we accomplished.  Amidst all the hustle and bustle of trying to keep up with our ever-growing to-do lists, have we lost sight of what’s really important in our lives?  Are we filling our hours with meaningless busy work that’s keeping us from accomplishing our goals?

If that sounds like you, then time management is for you!  But not just making sure there’s a time slot for everything on your to-do list.  Time management goes beyond that.  Stephen Covey calls this the “time management matrix” in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People.  Essentially, time management requires not only a to-do list, but also a categorization of those items.  Which of them are important?  What is urgent?  What isn’t important?  What isn’t urgent?

The ability to categorize your to-do list by importance and urgency can help you immensely by allowing you to take control of your time rather than letting your time control you.  Time is a precious commodity, one that you can’t get back no matter how much  you try.  Don’t waste it!

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