Tip of the Week: Study Aids from the Comfort of Wherever

Finals are upon us, and all the students are studying hard to pass their exams.  In light of the intense focus, I’d like to re-share the steps for accessing the study aids available via our Digital Library!  LexisNexis has numerous supplemental study aids available (Q&As, Understanding series, and more), and we have access to them all electronically via our Digital Library!  So if you’re up late and can’t come to the library to get the print version, or you want a book that’s already checked out in print, take a look at our Digital Library!

First, to access the Digital Library you will need the following things:

  • a device with internet connection;
  • modern web browser (Google Chrome; IE10; Firefox; Safari);
  • URL;
  • ID (number on your AMSL ID card) & Password (your last name, all lower-case).

Once you enter the Digital Library, you will find a wealth of resources available.  Here are a few general specifications about the library and how it works:
  • 24 hr. loan period
  • Items automatically return themselves at the end of the 24 hr. period so that there are no late fees
  • Read in Browser option
  • Download option in various formats

Within each title, you will find the following tools:
  • Table of Contents, which is hyperlinked directly to the specific chapter or section
  • Notes & Bookmarks, where you can access your saved notes and bookmarks
  • Search, where you can search throughout the title
  • Links — blue ones to other places within the same title and green ones to Lexis Advance
  • Ability to highlight, copy, add notes, bookmark pages, etc.  These annotations are saved in the Cloud and follow the book itself, so even if you have to retrieve the book from archive (i.e. if it has been superseded by a newer edition), your notes will still be accessible.
I hope you take advantage of these amazing resources!  Again, the LexisNexis Digital Library includes copies of the Q&As and Understanding series as well as other titles that will help you while studying for finals!  Good luck everyone!

Thursday’s Tome

Summer exams are looming on the horizon.  What do you do?  Turn to the extensive shelves of study aids in your law library, of course!  But where to begin?  Which one is right for you?  Here’s a list of the various types of study aids available to legal students.  Each one is unique in its approach, but all of them have various uses.  I personally like the Q&A series for multiple choice exam practice and the Nutshell series for explaining those difficult concepts.

examples explanations
Examples & Explanations
    In a Nutshell
    Black Letter Outlines
    Understanding Series
    Sum & Substance Audio Series

    Concepts & Insights Series

    Concise Hornbooks
    Gilbert Law Summaries
    Acing Law School Series
    Questions & Answers Series
    Fruit of Thy Womb

    Aspiring to holiness one sanctification at a time through the vocation of motherhood.

    Law Blog

    WSJ on the cases, trends and personalities of interest to the business community.

    Law School Success

    Making the most of your experience as a law student

    Above the Law

    A Legal Web Site – News, Insights, and Opinions on Law Firms, Lawyers, Law School, Law Suits, Judges and Courts


    A library is not a luxury but one of the necessities of life.