Thursday’s Tome: Florida Edition

Here at the law library, we recently acquired a number of new materials for our Florida collection.  We’ve added dozens of new titles to the shelves covering all manner of legal topics from civil procedure to trial preparation.  Come by and take a look!  A few highlights include:

Florida Civil Procedure.  This 5 volume set details step-by-step guidance on procedural matters in Florida and gives you case references and other resources to help you build your case.

Florida Criminal Defense Trial Manual.  This specialized trial manual makes manageable the challenge of criminal defense practice. The authoritative source for the most commonly prosecuted felonies in Florida, the Florida Criminal Defense Trial Manual contains thorough yet concise coverage of felony proceedings under Florida and federal law. It gives detailed analysis of topics such as arrest, search and seizure, Miranda warnings, line-up procedures, inchoate crimes, check offenses, sexual battery, and drug offenses. Also includes recent case law changes and analysis of the essential elements of each offense.”

Florida Evidence Manual.  This “has been the mainstay of the states active attorneys for more than two decades. Originally compiled and maintained by Professor Kenneth B. Hughes, it has been completely revised and updated by his successor author, the Honorable Juan Ramirez, Jr., District Court Judge of the Florida Third District Court of Appeal. 
Whether you are a seasoned attorney or new to the Bar, you are bound to find in Florida Evidence Manual the kind of practical advice that will enhance your effectiveness in the courtroom. 
To ensure that busy attorneys can find the relevant material they need quickly and easily, Judge Ramirez organized this edition of Florida Evidence Manual to follow the sequence of the Florida Evidence Code. He cites the text of each code section in full, and analyzes applicable state and federal cases, scholarly treatises, and law review articles that discuss and interpret the section.”

Florida Forms of Jury Instructions.  “This second edition is fully updated to reflect the Florida Supreme Court’s approval of the publication of new standard jury instructions for civil cases. Prepared by Florida attorneys and the LexisNexis editorial staff, reviewed by appellate and retired trial court judges, this is the only publication to cover general civil, tort and contract litigation instructions in one comprehensive research source.”

Trial Handbook for Florida Lawyers.  “Trial Handbook for Florida Lawyers provides fast access to the basic principles of Florida trial law, including procedural, evidentiary, and substantive principles, and the proper application of those principles. Designed for use in the heat of trial, the text offers: Analysis of the most up-to-date Florida trial caselaw, rules, and statutes; Citation of proper authority for every statement.”

Breaking News – Research Guides

Our students, faculty, and staff often put together research guides on various legal topics.  Once the library staff have reviewed the guides, we publish them for the general public.  Our emphasis is on providing the information necessary with as little cost to the user as possible.

For all of our research guides, visit our main website at: Ave Maria Law Libguides.  Please take a moment to peruse the latest guides we’ve published:

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