Bloomberg Tip: Litigation Analytics

Have you ever wondered who represents your favorite company?  Or what kind of law suits they tend to file / fight?  Then you need to check out Bloomberg Law’s newest tool: Litigation Analytics!  Here’s the steps you’ll need to access this amazing tool:

1.  Log in to your account.  Once you’re logged in, click on “Litigation & Dockets on the top bar and select “Litigation Analytics” from the drop-down menu.

2.  Type in the name of the company and select it.

3.  The default screen shows which firms have represented the company, and what percentage of the suits they handle.

4.  If you select a specific firm, the program will break down what types of cases that firm has handled for this specific company.

5.  If you go back to the main company page, you can also see a chart breakdown of the types of cases filed by/against the company.

6.  Scrolling down, you’ll see links to all of the cases filed by/against this company.  

7.  If you click on a specific case, it will take you directly to that case along with all of the docket information available.

We hope you take advantage of this amazing tool and check it out!  If you don’t have your Bloomberg Law account set up (and you’re an Ave student or faculty member), please let us know so that we can get you set up with this amazing resource!

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